Thursday, October 25, 2012

2012 Vegas Cine Fest ~ Testimonial Spotlight ~

2012 Testimonial ~ from Screenwriter Raymond Harrison:

Sometime back in 2009, I met Maria Marcus in the Parking lot of Office Depot in Vegas. I was going into the store for reams of paper for my screenwriting. I noticed their wrap around sign on their HMV Short Script Awards! (A Contest owned by Philip & Maria Marcus).

I sent in my horror/thriller screenplay "Wicked Wretched Wraith Men/Earl Harold Paul Immortal Man Book7, the first 25 pages and achieved "Honorable Mention".

Then in 2012 (4 years later) I submitted to their Vegas Cine Fest Film Festival to my surprise after submitting my fantasy/adventure "Now Not Later" achieved 1st Runner's Up for Best Screenplay! Needless to say I was very happy because it was my 1st time achieving at any Festival so high a accomplishment.

At the Vegas Cine Fest I met many filmmakers and writers who like me have a passion for film!

My goal of course is to sell my scripts to earn the capital to Direct/Produce my Indie Movies to entertain humanity here in the US and around the World "at the Movies!".

Thanks so much Philip & Maria!

Raymond Harrison,  Screenwriter
Vegas Cine Fest 2012 1st Runners Up/Best Screenplay - "Now Not Later"

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